Our Inspiration

Welcome to the journey through the history of home decoration, where the interplay of people’s lifestyles, work, and travel has left an enduring imprint on their living spaces. Influenced by education, adventure, and culture, individuals have translated their experiences into the architecture and decor of their homes.

Delving further back, ancient civilizations forged connections through trade routes like the Silk Road, facilitating the exchange of Chinese silks, and porcelain to households across continents. African craftsmanship and motifs permeated decorative arts. Architecture and art along the Silk Road and African designs began to reflect an amalgamation of styles, and found their way into furniture, tapestries, and other home decor. Ancient Romans also embraced Greek-inspired columns. This cross-pollination of artistic and architectural styles shaped local tastes and transformed homes.

Religious and pilgrimage traditions also played a significant role in home decoration throughout the centuries. Returning from spiritual quests, pilgrims brought back not only enlightenment but also artefacts and ideas that gradually found their place in home decor. This personalised approach not only reflected devotion but also connected individuals to a wider world of religious culture and history.

In the Middle Ages, the Church’s cultural influence extended to home decoration. Rome, the hub of religious power, showcased sumptuous yet sacred designs. Residences featured motifs inspired by cathedrals, such as stained glass windows and Romanesque architectural elements. A return from a pilgrimage added a touch of spirituality to one’s home, as artefacts and textiles were incorporated into the decor.

The Age of Exploration witnessed homes adorned with objects symbolising navigational milestones. Mariners like Ferdinand Magellan brought globes, maps, and astrolabes that not only served as practical tools but also decorated homes, reflecting a fascination with global exploration. Furniture boasted ornate carvings with classical themes, while rich colours drawn from Renaissance paintings set the palette. Homes became galleries, showcasing classical sculptures, Egyptian statuettes among others.

When it came to work, scholars and intellectuals created studious atmospheres within their homes, dedicating specific spaces for reading, writing, and contemplation. Libraries and studies were furnished with bookcases, desks, and comfortable seating, providing a tranquil environment for intellectual pursuits. Scientific instruments like globes, astrolabes, and telescopes adorned their homes, symbolising curiosity and erudition. Antique artefacts, maps, and botanical prints adorned the walls, while natural materials created warmth and authenticity within the interiors.

Now more than ever, with diverse lifestyles and interactions with the world, our understanding of individuality drives us to create spaces that reflect who you are. 

With a refined perspective, one can effortlessly recognize the profound impact of work, travel, and cultural integration upon the art of home design. Today, amidst diverse work environments, rich cultures, and seamless travels to far-flung destinations, our surroundings bear witness to a more vibrant narrative. Even voyaging through the digital realm, via captivating videos and immersive blogs, has elevated our lifestyles, instigating a desire for our homes to mirror our essence and aspirations with elegance and authenticity.

We draw inspiration from your personal history, work and desires to craft a backdrop that resonates with the person you are or envision yourself to be.

"I always try to make the interiors I design not only beautiful but interesting — a reflection of my clients’ lives and personalities."